Quality Pixel Art

These graphics are for you. I have been a pixel artist for over a decade, and I created the Time Fantasy style to evoke the feeling of classic SNES RPGs. Game developers, you can use these graphics to bring your worlds to life!

Time Fantasy RPG Maker DLC

The first pack includes a variety of characters and tiles that feel like the classics of the SNES era.

Free Graphics

New additional resources in the Time Fantasy style for use in your games.


Create your own graphics in the Time Fantasy style. I provide a style guide, character base, tutorials and more.

Become a Patron!

Evil Transforming Vampires


I was inspired to make spooooooky evil characters for you to use in your games. Enjoy these vampires.

Transform Animation
We want your blood!

Male and female vampires, with emotions and spooky bat form. And a fun transform animation!

Click to download

This sheet is arranged to be used in RMVX/Ace, but it’s free to use in any program/engine/whatever. It’s compatible with everything in the Time Fantasy style.



Free Symbiote Chara Sprites

Yo! Some of you may have played my IGMC entry, Symbiote (details and download here).

I thought that it would be cool to make some of the characters in pixel art form. So here are four characters from Symbiote, in the Time Fantasy style and free for anybody to use in any project*.

Symbiote sprites
Symbiote sprites (click for download)

Now that the IGMC is over, it’s to really dive into the next Time Fantasy pack. I have some things already made, and plans for more. I might show off a preview sometime in the near future, so stay tuned.



*Since these are based on characters from my game, I’m afraid that they can’t be used in commercial projects. However, if you edit/recolor them or use them in a generic way (for example as nobody NPCs or a generic slime enemy) or something like that, then I ain’t gonna stop you.

Kitchen Tiles

Woop woop. Indie Game Maker contest starts this week. Some people might be using the Time Fantasy tiles, so I figure it’s time for a freebie.

Crazetex on the RPG Maker Web forums wrote a helpful little review on the pack with some suggestions, and matrexsvigil on twitter also suggested kitchen stuff too. So I threw these together: It’s kitchen countertop stuff that matches the interior tilesets in Time Fantasy set 1.

Click for image

These are loose tiles, so in order to use them in RMVX/Ace, you’ll have to edit them into a tileset. They’re already arranged in alligned 32×32 tiles.

To edit these or use them in RM2K3, just shrink them by 50% in an image editing program. Make sure to check “nearest neighbor” to keep the pixels clean.


Content and pixel art by Jason Perry. www.finalbossblues.com