Halloween Tiles
Here’s a small group of extra tiles with a Halloween theme. Halloween is more than two weeks away– there’s more time for you to put these to use! But they’re versatile enough to be used generally, I think. Doesn’t need to be October to have a spooky graveyard in your game!
I was going to release them as a patron exclusive– but at the last minute I decided to release them as a freebie for everybody. I like to release holiday-themed special graphics for free.
As usual with these tile add-ons, the set is arranged in a simple tile grid that can be added to any tileset. Here’s the downloads:
Holy Meditating Monks
Hello! Here’s some new characters. Free for everyone!
I’ve been reading a really fascinating book, an autobiography of a swami– and it gave me the inspiration to put these sprites together. It’s been a while since I’ve made some characters for a free release for everyone, and I thought that it would be in the spirit of these characters to do just that. I’m sure that lots of people will find a good use for these sprites!
There are four characters. Each one has a regular full 4-directional walking sprite and a sitting meditation pose. They’re arranged in the standard 8-character sheet.
Free Beach Tileset
Here’s a big freebie! Last month, we reached a major patron goal, and I promised to deliver another free tileset as a reward. Patrons voted for a beach tileset — and here it is!
This is the second free tileset that I’ve released because of the support of patrons. The first was the jungle tileset which I released last month. Like the jungle set, this beach tileset is free for anybody!
For more free releases like this, consider supporting me on patreon if you aren’t already! Even a single dollar helps (crowdfunding is awesome!)
Here’s a link to the download page on
And here’s a direct download to the .zip file: Download
(Note that the shoreline autotiles are not perfect in RPGMaker — the autotile system is incredibly limited. There’s not enough space on the A1 tilesheet for all the animated tiles, so you might have to do a little extra work or find some kind of workaround to make everything work perfectly.)
Thanks everybody for your support!
I LOVE YOUR ARTWORK! I will be purchasing. I am hoping you release a Dinosaur/Time fantasy Pack. I would purchase it RIGHT NOW
Hey! I really like your artwork and am considering using your freebies in my next game. Are they available to use in commercial games?
Yes! Commercial use is OK