Lava Transition Animation
Hey guys! Sometimes you might want lava to melt into rock or vice versa. So here’s a small little animation that you can use with the time fantasy tiles.
Animated gif previews:
Here are the frames used for these animations. The first frame (the lava) and the last frame (the rock ground) are found in the Time Fantasy tilesets. I’ve arranged these into simple PNG files so you can split up and organize the frames however is best for you.

Enjoy. 🙂
More Trees
I’ve got some more free graphics for you! Here are some new trees to add more variety to your worlds:

The above image is the upscaled version that fits the size of the RPG Maker versions of the Time Fantasy packs. Here are the regular-sized trees if you want those instead.
I was originally going to make a decorated Christmas tree as the free resource, but I decided that it would be better to release something more versatile, and more tree varieties are something that have been requested a bunch of times. Have fun with them, and Merry Christmas.
See you in the new year. 🙂
Evil Transforming Vampires
I was inspired to make spooooooky evil characters for you to use in your games. Enjoy these vampires.

Male and female vampires, with emotions and spooky bat form. And a fun transform animation!

This sheet is arranged to be used in RMVX/Ace, but it’s free to use in any program/engine/whatever. It’s compatible with everything in the Time Fantasy style.
I LOVE YOUR ARTWORK! I will be purchasing. I am hoping you release a Dinosaur/Time fantasy Pack. I would purchase it RIGHT NOW
Hey! I really like your artwork and am considering using your freebies in my next game. Are they available to use in commercial games?
Yes! Commercial use is OK