Quality Pixel Art

These graphics are for you. I have been a pixel artist for over a decade, and I created the Time Fantasy style to evoke the feeling of classic SNES RPGs. Game developers, you can use these graphics to bring your worlds to life!

Time Fantasy RPG Maker DLC

The first pack includes a variety of characters and tiles that feel like the classics of the SNES era.

Free Graphics

New additional resources in the Time Fantasy style for use in your games.


Create your own graphics in the Time Fantasy style. I provide a style guide, character base, tutorials and more.

Become a Patron!

Time Fantasy Set 1 released

The first Time Fantasy graphics pack has been released!


I could go on about how much work I’ve put into these graphics, or how proud I am of the final product. Instead, I’ll just link to the sales page and let you look at the screenshots.

Oh, and to celebrate the release, I’ve created some extra characters! Enjoy the free download. Look forward to more in the future.

Click image to download

Update: I’ve added more characters to the sheet. Check out the new version here.

Content and pixel art by Jason Perry. www.finalbossblues.com