I’m available for paid work. Message me on this page or via email (derek.despain at gmail.com) or Facebook.


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Prices vary depending on the amount of time it will take to complete your request (size, style and framecount are major factors).

Typically I will charge $15-$25 an hour. The exact price will vary depending on the style of the piece. Most prices will be open to discussion.

All prices are in US Dollars. I accept Paypal.


When you message me, please include details about the kind of thing you are looking for. Include the amount of sprites, estimated dimensions, frame count, etc. If you have a reference image for style, please include that.

When I have a solid understanding of what you want, I will reply with a price quote based on the information you have given.

I will usually reply within the day or the next.

  • I request that I have permission to use any commissioned work as portfolio pieces.
  • No furries, no ponies. No memes.
  • Adult (18+) is fine.
  • Requests that interest me personally or challenge me will often have priority.
